
To manually enable the extension for Safari, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, do the following:

  • Safari 17 and later:
    1. Open Safari.
    2. Click Safari on the Menu Bar and click Settings.

      Module state

    3. Go to the Extensions tab and tick Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac.

      Module state

    4. In the Permissions section, click Always Allow on Every Website….
    5. When asked whether to allow the extension on every website, click Always Allow on Every Website.

      Module state

  • Safari 16 and older:
    1. Open Safari.
    2. Click Safari on the Menu Bar and click Preferences.


    3. Go to the Extensions tab and tick Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac.

      Extensions tab

    4. The Trend Micro icon should appear beside the address bar.

      Trend Micro icon

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Go to /library/Application Support/TrendMicro/TmccMac/Extensions/firefox/.
  3. Drag Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac extension.xpi to the new Window.
  4. Click on Add on the pop-up.

    click Add

  5. Click on “Okay, Got it” on the next pop-up. The Trend Micro browser extension icon should appear in the toolbar.

    TM browser extension icon

Alternatively, you can perform the following:

  1. Open Firefox.
  2. Go to File > Open File.
  3. On the new window, go to /library/Application Support/TrendMicro/TmccMac/Extensions/firefox/.
  4. Select Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac extension.xpi and click on Open.
  5. Click on Add on the pop-up.
  6. Click on “Okay, Got it” on the next pop-up. The Trend Micro browser extension icon should appear in the toolbar.
  1. Go to /Library/Application Support/TrendMicro/TmccMac/Extensions/chrome/.
  2. Double-click on Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac (Chrome).mobileconfig.
  3. On the Profiles window, click on Install.

    click Continue

  4. On the next pop-up, click on Install.

    click Install

  5. Input the Administrator credentials and click Ok.
  6. Confirm that this has been installed by seeing the Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac (Chrome) is listed as verified.

    Confirm installation

  7. Start Google Chrome.
  8. Click on the Extensions icon, you should see Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac.

    Extensions icon

For any further concerns, feel free to contact Trend Micro Technical Support.