
Inbound Policies

LocationRuleDefault Action

Inbound Protection > Virus Scan > Virus Policy

Inbound Protection > Spam Filtering

Spam or PhishQuarantine
Newsletter or spam-likeTag Subject and Do not intercept messages
Probable BEC threatStamp
Writing style BEC threatNotify

Inbound Protection > Content Filtering

High-risk attachmentQuarantine
Exceeding msg size or # of recipients
Scanning Criteria:
(Condition = Any Match)
  • Message size > 50 MB
  • Recipients > 50
Quarantine and Send notification
Password protectedStamp and Do not intercept messages

Outbound Policies

LocationRuleDefault Action

Outbound Protection > Virus Scan > Virus Policy

Global Outbound Policy (Virus)


As of February 2021 Maintenance, the default action for Outbound Global Policy has been updated to "Quarantine" for new customers. However, existing customers with the default action set to "Delete" can request an update to "Quarantine" by contacting Trend Micro Technical Support. Please provide a clear reason for the change when reaching out for assistance.

Outbound - VirusDelete
Outbound Protection > Spam Filtering

Global Outbound Policy (Spam or Phish)

Do not intercept messages

The action will not block the outbound emails even when they are detected as spam, it will only deliver the outbound emails through a special channel.

Outbound - Spam or PhishQuarantine

Outbound Protection > Content Filtering

Outbound - High-risk attachmentDelete
Outbound - Exceeding msg size or # of recipientsDelete entire message and Send notification
You will not be able to modify the Global Outbound Policy (Virus & Spam or Phish). This is a default rule in TMEMS to avoid outbound spam & virus, and prevent TMEMS outbound servers from being blacklisted by third-party Real-time Blackhole Lists (RBLs). The policies cannot be edited and they are activated by default for all domains.