Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a method of securely verifying your identity using two pieces of evidence instead of one. With 2FA disabled, you verify your identity using only a password. With 2FA enabled, you verify your identity with an app on your mobile device as well as your password. 2FA provides an added layer of security for your Trend Micro Account and prevents unauthorized access to your Trend Micro SaaS product consoles, even if your password is stolen.
When trying to login to CLP using 2FA, the error message "Invalid Code. Try again." is encountered upon entering the Verification code from the mobile device enrolled in the two-factor Authentication.
The "Invalid Code" error message appears because the passcode verification failed.
The passcode is generated according to phone's time and each passcode is only valid for 30-60 seconds, for example if the passcode is generated at 10:00am on phone, it means The passcode is valid only from 10:00am to 10:10am but when client attempts to login to the WFBS console, it will use the server time to determine whether the passcode is valid.