
Users should follow the steps below to enroll the Trend Micro public key:

  1. Enable XDR capability for the endpoint from Trend Micro Vision One Endpoint Inventory. When enabled, download these Trend Micro public keys from the following links:
  2. Install the Machine Owner Key (MOK) facility, if it isn't already installed. Use the following command:

    • for RHEL and CentOS

      yum install mokutil

    • for Ubuntu

      apt-get install mokutil

  3. Add the public keys to the MOK list respectively. Refer to the following commands:

    • mokutil --import DS20.der
    • mokutil --import DS20_v2.der
    • mokutil --import DS2022.der
    For details about manually adding the public key to the MOK list, refer to your Linux documentation.
  4. When prompted, enter a password that you will use later in this procedure.
  5. Reboot the system.
  6. After the computer restarts, the Shim UEFI key management console opens.

    Shim UEFI key management console

  7. Press any key to get started.
  8. On the Perform MOK management screen, select Enroll MOK.
  9. On the Enroll MOK screen, select View key 0.
  10. On the Enroll the key(s)? screen, select Yes and then enter the password you set in step 4, above.
  11. On the The system must now be rebooted screen, select OK to confirm your changes and reboot.
  12. Use the mokutil utility to check if the key successfully enrolled or not. Use the following commands respectively:

    • mokutil --test-key DS20.der
    • mokutil --test-key DS20_v2.der
    • mokutil --test-key DS2022.der