
To change the Intrusion Prevention Rules Detection Mode:

  1. Login to Apex Central.
  2. Go to Policies > Policy Resources > Intrusion Prevention Rules.
  3. Search for the rule to be modified.
  4. Click on Detect Only or Prevent listed under Mode.

    Detect Only or Prevent

    Click the image to enlarge.

  5. On the new window, select the desired mode.

    Mode selection

    • Prevent – Blocks the activity that triggered the rule
    • Detect Only – Activity is allowed but is logged
  6. Click on Save.
  7. Verify if the Mode has been changed to the desired entry.

    Verify change in Mode

    Click the image to enlarge.

  8. Go to Policies > Policy Management.
  9. Select the associated policy.
  10. Go to the Vulnerability Protection column, and ensure that it is enabled.

    Vulnerability Protection

  11. Scroll down, and click on Deploy.
  • Modifying an Intrusion Prevention rule would be in a global scale and not per policy. It would be best to perform observation and testing before performing any changes
  • Apex One (On-Premise) customers need the following product builds to have this feature: