  1. Make sure the Agents have outbound connectivity to Trend Micro Vision One/XDR. If you have a Firewall or proxy, add the following two URLs in the allow list as well as in the SSL/TLS inspection settings:
    • agent-comm.workload.{cloudoneregion}
    For accounts created before August 4, 2021, you can use us-1 as region.
    For new accounts created on or after August 4, 2021, you can verify the region by accessing the Account Settings page of your Cloud One console.
    You can check Port numbers, URLs, and IP addresses for the updated URL list.

    New URLs might be added in the future. You can check Cloud One Workload Security URLs for the updated list.

  2. Verify the Agent Activity Monitoring configuration on the machine. The result should be as follows:

    Feature SENSOR state= 1

    • Windows


      Open the Command prompt as Administrator.

      cd C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent
      sendCommand.cmd --get GetConfiguration | findstr -i Sensor

      for windows

    • Linux

      sudo /opt/ds_agent/sendCommand --get GetConfiguration | grep -i "sensor"

      for linux

  3. Check if the Agent IoT connection is online.
    • Windows

      Open the Command prompt as Administrator.

      cd C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Deep Security Agent
      sendCommand --get GetIoT

      for windows

    • Linux

      sudo /opt/ds_agent/sendCommand --get GetIoT

      for linux

  4. Upgrade the Agent build. There were fixes/improvements on recently released Agent builds regarding this issue for both Windows and Linux platforms. See Agent Release Notes for more details. To upgrade, refer to the Upgrade the agent from the Computers page.

If the issue persists, submit a ticket to Trend Micro Cloud One Technical Support .