- Login to the Cloud One - Workload Security console.
- Navigate to the Administration Tab > System Settings > Threat Intelligence and uncheck the Trend Micro Vision One Suspicious Object Management to disable this feature
- Disable the Activity Monitoring Module either directly on the affected Computer's Properties or in the Policy.
- Make sure to initiate the Send Policy again to all of hosts
- Once the Activity Monitoring and Threat Intelligence are disabled on the agent, the CPU utilization should go back to normal
- Re-enable the Activity Monitoring Module either from the Computer Properties or Policy to continue using the integration with Vision One.
To verify that you have successfully disabled the Activity Monitoring execute the following command
#/opt/ds_agent/sendCommand --get GetConfiguration | grep SENSOR
<PackageItem filename='Feature-SENSOR-RedHat_EL8-20.0.0-4416.x86_64.dsp' hashalg='sha256' hash='XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXC3BA32E4BBB5E6AC9C1FD' size='2499' is='dsp'/>
<Feature name='SENSOR' state='0'/>
To verify that you have successfully disabled the Threat Intelligence execute the following command
#/opt/ds_agent/sendCommand --get GetConfiguration | grep Udso
<SensorDataSetting sensorActivityEnabled='true' activityDataFormat='0' activityDebugMode='2' c1wsIocEnabled='false' filteringRulesOverride='' v1UdsoEnabled='false' sensorIndicatorEnabled='false'/>
Official Fix
The fix will be included in the next DSA release (2022-05)