  1. Initiate the instance launch.
    1. Open the Amazon EC2 console at
    2. In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, select a Region for the instance that meets your requirements.
    3. From the Amazon EC2 console dashboard, select Launch instance.

      Module state

  2. Choose the AMI for Service Gateway.
    1. On the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) screen, select AWS Marketplace in the left pane.
    2. In the search box, search for Trend Micro Service Gateway.
    3. After the search results appear, click Select for Trend Micro Service Gateway.

      Module state

  3. Choose an Instance Type.

    On the Choose an Instance Type screen, select an instance type that meets the minimum specifications based on your service installation. "C5.2xlarge" is recommended, please note at least 4vCPU and 8G memory is needed for service gateway. For details, please check this Online Help Center article.


    Click the image to enlarge.

  4. Configure the Instance basic settings.
    1. On the Configure Instance Details screen, change the follow settings:
      • Network: Select the VPC.
      • Subnet: Select the subnet into which to launch your instance. Select a subnet that is planned for the data port subnet.
      • Auto-assign Public IP: Select Disable. Trend Micro recommends that you deploy the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance behind an AWS NAT gateway.

      Module state

    2. Add Storage to specify the root volume size of your instance. The default disk size is set to 200GB. If you need to extend the storage, you may add a new disk.

      Module state

    3. Add Tags if you prefer custom tags. On the Add Tags screen, specify tags by requirement.

      Module state

  5. Configure Security Group.
    1. On the Configure Security Group screen, use a security group to define firewall rules for the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance instance.
      • To use existing security group, select Select an existing security group, and select your security group.
      • To create a new security group, select Create a new security group
    2. Verify that your selected security group contains the following rules:
      TypeProtocolPort RangeSourceReason
      SSHTCP22CIDR that can reach your instanceFor accessing Service Gateway Virtual Appliance CLISH command
      HTTPSTCP443CIDR that can reach your instanceFor Service queries, Predictive Machine Learning, File Reputation Services, or Third-Party Integration queries
      HTTPTCP80CIDR that can reach your instanceFor Service queries, Predictive Machine Learning, File Reputation Services, or Third-Party Integration queries
      CUSTOM TCPTCP5274CIDR that can reach your instance Web Reputation Services or Web Inspection Service queries
      CUSTOM TCPTCP5275CIDR that can reach your instance Web Reputation Services or Web Inspection Service queries
      CUSTOM TCPTCP8080CIDR that can reach your instanceForward Proxy Service listening port for connection
      CUSTOM TCPTCP8088CIDR that can reach your instanceZero Trust Secure Access On-Premises Gateway listening port for connection

      Outbound Rules: Rules in default security group allow all traffic. The Service Gateway Virtual Appliance works well with default outbound rules.

    3. Click Review and Launch.
  6. Review Instance Launch and select key pair.
    1. On the Review Instance Launch screen, check the details of your instance, and make any necessary changes by choosing the appropriate Edit link.
    2. Click Launch.
    3. For the key pair dialog box, please choose "Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair dialog box".
    4. To launch your instance, select the acknowledgment check box, then click Launch Instances.

      Module state

  7. Wait for the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance to become ready.

    View the Service Gateway installation progress by using the following steps:

    1. In the left navigation page, click Instances.
    2. Select the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance instance.
    3. Check the instance state.

    When the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance instance state becomes "running", it is ready.

  8. Connect to instance.

    After the instance startup, use key pair with user "admin" to login in:

    Module state

  • Sometimes the key created will need some time for it to sync to EC2 . If you cannot connect to EC2 with the key you created then please wait for about five (5) minutes for key syncing to finish and try again.
  • When updating the Service Gateway Virtual Appliance, the trusted hosts cannot be automatically updated. Please remove the known hosts of Service Gateway Virtual Appliance in trusted file ~/.ssh/known_hosts and then connect again.

Register to Trend Mico Vision One

  1. Type enable and press the ENTER key to enable administrative commands. Provide your password when asked.

    The command prompt changes from > to #.

  2. Use the configure command to configure the required network settings, such as the IP address and DNS settings.
  3. Type the following command to register the Service Gateway virtual appliance to Trend Micro Vision One.

    register <registration_token>

    You can obtain the token from the same screen you downloaded the virtual appliance on Trend Micro Vision One.

    Trend Micro recommends using an SSH client to easily copy and paste the registration token.

Cipher Requirements

Service Gateway has Cipher Suite limitation to connect that for high-security level.

The table below shows the Cipher Suite requirements of SG 2.0.9:

Cipher SuiteCode

If you cannot connect via SSH tool, this may be the cause. Please check Cipher Suite for the SSH tool side.

(Optional) Configure Other Settings

Use the CLI to configure other settings, if required. For more information on available commands, see Service Gateway 2.0 CLI Commands.