
Signing up

  • When a user (IT Administrators) signs up, they enter the details below in the sign-up form and receive a verification email.
  • When the user verifies the email they will have access to the standard level of the product.
Data transmitted to Trend Micro
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Password
  • IP
Feature Configuration Location

The Sign Up page can be accessed from the Phish Insight Homepage or directly on this URL

Create Acount

Click the image to enlarge.

Creating a campaign - Uploading Recipients

  • Customer's IT administrators can upload the list of recipients of the service in the following ways:
    • CSV file
    • Active directory integration
    • Manual data entry
Data Collected
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email Address
  • Manager name (Optional)
  • Department (Optional)
  • Office (Optional)
  • Position (Optional)
  • Joined On (Optional)
  • IP
  • User Agent (Browser and OS)
Console Location

Create Campaign

Click the image to enlarge.

Campaign Interactions

When the employee receives the phishing simulation email, they may:

  • Click on the link and enter data on our simulated phishing webpages
  • Respond to the email if it is a business email compromise simulation.

We will store both the username (or alternative user identifier credentials as identified below) and the reply received from the employee.

Data Transmitted to Trend Micro
  • Username or other user identifier for example email address (personal or work)
  • Email reply data
  • User may enter their password into the landing page however this data is not transferred to Trend Micro. Trend Micro can only track whether or not a value was entered into this field, Trend Micro records this as “Yes” or “No”.
Feature Configuration LocationUsername or other user identifier is collected from our simulated phishing landing pages

Campaign Interaction

Click the image to enlarge.

It is also possible to collect the reply data from a BEC Simulation. Reply data is at the discretion of the employee, it may be an automatic out-of-office email, a facetious response, it may include the employee’s signature block and any other information provided by the employee.

Campaign Interaction

Click the image to enlarge.