
For instructions on proper deployment of the Service Gateway, refer to the Online help article

Below are recommendations and guidelines when troubleshooting Service Gateway registration issues:

  • Make sure to obtain the registration token from the Trend Vision One portal.
          a. Copy the registration Token and proceed and paste it to putty to register the Service Gateway.
          b. Open Putty on a machine that is on the same network as the Service Gateway, and perform SSH Shell to register Service Gateway to Trend Micro Vision One Console. Login using the updated credentials > type "enable" > Type "register <Registration Token>".                 
               Enable Registration Token
           c. To verify, go back to Vison One Console and check the status of Service Gateway.

               Verify Registration

If this issue has not been resolved, please submit a case to Trend Micro Support and run "log collect" command to collect debug logs for further troubleshooting.