  1. Log in to your Trend Vision One web console
  2. Navigate to Administration > User Accounts
  3. Enable Multi-factor authentication by clicking on the toggle:

    MFA Toggle

  4. This will prompt you to enable MFA as a requirement for all users.

    Enable MFA for all users

  1. Log in to your Trend Vision One web console.
  2. Click the Account Profile icon > Account Settings.

    Account Settings

  3. Turn on Multi-Dactor Authentication by clicking the toggle.
  4. You will be prompted to Enable MFA by activating an MFA device.

    Enable MFA

  5. Select any option and follow the steps.
  6. Once configured, a Reset Code will be given in case you are unable to sign in with your device.

    MFA has been enabled

    You can copy the code or download a txt file containing the Reset Code.
  7. Tick the I have stored my reset code in a safe location then click Done.
  1. Log in to your Trend Vision One web console.
  2. Click the Account Profile icon > Account Settings.

    Account Settings

  3. Disable the Multi-factor authentication by clicking on the toggle.
  4. When prompted, click Disable.

    Disable MFA

If you are not able to access your device and log in to the Trend Vision One console, you may use the Reset Code to disable the MFA on your account.

  1. Go to Trend Vision One sign-in portal.
  2. Log in using your correct credentials.
  3. When getting prompted for MFA code, select Can't generate your one-time password?.
  4. Enter the Reset Code.

    Reset MFA

  5. Click Reset MFA.
  6. Once done, MFA will be disabled.
Disabling MFA through Administration > User Account only prevents users who haven't set up MFA yet from receiving future "Enable MFA" notifications.
For further assistance, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.
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