To upgrade Trend Micro Deep Security Manager, follow these steps:
- Upgrade the Deep Security Manager (DSM).
- Backup your DSM Database.
- Install the DSM Software, and choose upgrade during the install wizard.
- Once the upgrade is finished, open the DSM Console and navigate on each tab and confirm the DSM upgrade is successful.
- If you have multiple DSM nodes, please upgrade all of them.
- Upgrade all your Deep Security Relay Agent (DSR).
- Download the latest Deep Security Agent 20.0 from the Download Center.
- In the DSM Console navigate to Administration. From the left pane click Updates > Software > Local.
- Click Import, and import the DSA software that you downloaded. Confirm that the DSA software is imported and in the list of package.
- In the DSM Console navigate to Administration > Relay Management. Double-click the target DSR, click Actions > Upgrade Agent. Choose the version that you imported from the previous step and click OK.
- Upgrade process should take 2-3 minutes. The console will notify if you need to reboot, to complete the Agent upgrade.
- Upgrade your Agent.
- In the DSM Console navigate to Computers Tab and double click the target agent you want to upgrade. Navigate to the Actions Tab > Upgrade Agent, then choose the version that you imported from previous step. Click OK.
- Upgrade process should take 2-3 minutes. The console will notify if you need to reboot, to complete the Agent upgrade.
- Refer to this link to download the latest DSM software:
By following the above steps, you can successfully upgrade your Trend Micro Deep Security Manager.