
To upgrade Trend Micro Deep Security Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Upgrade the Deep Security Manager (DSM).
  2. Backup your DSM Database.
  3. Install the DSM Software, and choose upgrade during the install wizard.
  4. Once the upgrade is finished, open the DSM Console and navigate on each tab and confirm the DSM upgrade is successful.
  5. If you have multiple DSM nodes, please upgrade all of them.
  6. Upgrade all your Deep Security Relay Agent (DSR).
  7. Download the latest Deep Security Agent 20.0 from the Download Center.
  8. In the DSM Console navigate to Administration. From the left pane click Updates > Software > Local.
  9. Click Import, and import the DSA software that you downloaded. Confirm that the DSA software is imported and in the list of package.
  10. In the DSM Console navigate to Administration > Relay Management. Double-click the target DSR, click Actions > Upgrade Agent. Choose the version that you imported from the previous step and click OK.
  11. Upgrade process should take 2-3 minutes. The console will notify if you need to reboot, to complete the Agent upgrade.
  12. Upgrade your Agent.
  13. In the DSM Console navigate to Computers Tab and double click the target agent you want to upgrade. Navigate to the Actions Tab > Upgrade Agent, then choose the version that you imported from previous step. Click OK.
  14. Upgrade process should take 2-3 minutes. The console will notify if you need to reboot, to complete the Agent upgrade.
  15. Refer to this link to download the latest DSM software:

By following the above steps, you can successfully upgrade your Trend Micro Deep Security Manager.