
Before you download and install an SMS patch, make a note of the following:

  • The SMS server can obtain the software automatically from the TMC or import a patch file from storage media such as a CD-ROM or hard drive.
  • You can typically roll back a patch; refer to the patch Release Notes for rollback information. If you roll back a patch, it rolls back the cumulative patch, effectively removing all patches from the SMS server. A patch rollback typically requires restarting the SMS server application.
  • Installing an SMS patch typically causes the SMS server application to restart; sometimes, the SMS server must reboot. During the patch process, all client connections to the SMS are stopped.
  • When the SMS server is unavailable during the reboot process, the availability and operations of TippingPoint devices managed by the SMS are unaffected. IPS and other devices continue to operate as usual and without interruption.
  • The SMS client software's version should match the SMS server's version. Some patches require an update to the SMS client and server. In this case, all clients are prompted to upgrade to the newer version when connecting to the patched SMS server.
  • Disable an SMS HA cluster before applying software upgrades. To upgrade an HA cluster, disable clustering, upgrade each SMS server separately, and reestablish the cluster.


  1. Log in to the SMS from a client.
  2. On the SMS toolbar, navigate to the Admin > General tab.
  3. Within the SMS Patches area of the Admin (General) screen, click the Update button.
  4. If you want to download the patch from the TMC, perform the following steps:
    • Select Download from the TMC and click Next. After the SMS server polls the TMC for available patches, select the desired file from the SMS Patch File drop-down menu. The Release Notes section displays information about the selected patch.
    • Click Download.
        NOTE: Patches are cumulative. If multiple patches are available, you can choose the latest patch, which includes all previous patches.
  5. If you want to import a patch from storage media, perform the following steps:
    • Select Import from File and click Next.
    • Enter the location of the patch file or click Browse to locate the file on your system.
    • Click Import.
        NOTE: For best results, do not modify the file name before importing it.
  6. Click Finish.

Be prepared for the SMS server to perform one of the following actions, depending upon the needs of the patch:

  • A restart of the SMS server application
  • A reboot of the SMS server
  • A forced upgrade of the SMS client

If the patch requires an update to the SMS client, you must update the client software on all your systems. You can accomplish this by accepting the SMS request to automatically update the client when the client initially attempts to log on to the SMS server following the patch's installation. You can also connect to the SMS server from the client system with a web browser and then download and install the client software.


Reference: SMS User Guide