
To resolve this issue:

  1. Upgrade DSM to Oct release or disable enableWindowsNotifierAMPPL from DSM.

    dsm_c -action changesetting -name com.trendmicro.ds.antimalware:settings.configuration.enableWindowsNotifierAMPPL -value "false"

  2. Back up registry.
  3. Disable selfprotect in DSA.

    dsa_control.cmd -s 0

  4. Delete Notifier service registry key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\ds_notifier
  5. Reboot the machine.
  6. Reinstall DSA.

You may use this script ( for Step 2-4. Password is novirus.

If Step 3 fails, reboot the system in boot mode to delete the said registry key. Then reboot in normal mode to uninstall DSA.