Check and remove previously installed Trend Micro products such as Titanium, Trend Micro Internet Security (TIS), Worry-Free Business Security (WFBS) client, OfficeScan client, and other Trend Micro products.
For existing WFBS client, just click Update Now from the main console. Do not try to install.
Check and remove third-party antivirus products currently installed. To know which products to uninstall, refer to this article: Antivirus software that Worry-Free Business Security (WFBS) can detect and uninstall
To manually remove the third-party software, contact their technical support for help.
Check if UAC is turned on. If it is enabled, disable the UAC before installing the SA, and then enabled it after SA has been installed. This allows you to identify if UAC is preventing you to install the program. For more information on how to disable and enable UAC, refer to this article: Turn User Account Control on or off
For remote installation, Trend Micro recommends that you disable the UAC.
Identify the installation method you are using. Choose another installation method for the SA if the first method you used failed. For more information about different methods of installation, refer to this article: Different installation methods for the Worry-Free Business Security (WFBS) Security Agent or Client/Server Security Agent
- If remote installation fails, refer to this article: Recommended steps to take before performing remote installation of CSA or SA on Windows Vista or Windows 7
- If AutoPcc fails, do the following:
Run this command from the client and the Security Server (SS) to check network connectivity on both ends: ping Check the ..\PCCSRV folder permission in the SS. Make sure an administrator account is used to install the agent.
Check the compatibility of the product version with the operating system where the agent will be installed.
Refer to this article for more information: Microsoft Windows 10 and Apple macOS versions and builds compatible with Worry-Free Business Security and Worry-Free Business Security
If the installation still fails, collect the following and send it to Trend Micro Technical Support:%WINDIR%\Temp\WFBS_Debug folder for all types of installation/upgrade methods
- ofcdebug.log from the Security Server for remote installation method
- Debug logs using the Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT). If you need more help with using CDT, refer to this article: Using the Case Diagnostic Tool (CDT)