
Download the latest version of the CDT.

Here are the things to know about the latest version of the tool: 

New features

  • CDT 2.6 reduces the size of CDT package because it creates shortcut for duplicate log.
    Currently, shortcut can only work properly in decompressed package.
  • The tool supports compression level tuning by adding a "Ziplevel" setting in the CaseDiagnosticTool.ini configuration file.
  • It deletes the temporary folder of the CDT data after tool execution, and only keeps the final CDT data package.

New supported product

  • OfficeScan 11.0
  • OfficeScan XG
    The version displayed in CDT is OfficeScan 12 instead of OfficeScan XG.
  • IM Security for Microsoft Lync Server 1.6

New APIs

Get the plug-in directory file list and delete useless files after CDT execution is complete.