
Trend Micro will discontinue its support for versions of applications or operating system platforms running with Trend Micro products when support for those underlying versions of the applications or operating systems is ended by their suppliers. A list of suppliers and examples of upcoming end of support information follows:

IBM Lotus Domino

IBM has announced that it will withdraw support for IBM Lotus Domino 6.0.x releases on April 30, 2007. Accordingly, Trend Micro will stop support for IBM Lotus Domino 6.0.x as it relates to Trend Micro products on the same date. Information on the IBM Software Support Lifecycle can be found on the IBM web site: .


Microsoft will end extended support for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server releases on July 13, 2010. On the same date, Trend Micro will withdraw support for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server as a platform for Trend Micro products. Information on the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy can be found at

Internet Explorer (IE) Support Policy: Microsoft has announced a new browser-support policy that will take effect after January 12, 2016. After this date, only the most recent version of IE available for a supported operating system will receive technical support and security updates from Microsoft.

Trend Micro works very closely with Microsoft to ensure that its products are compatible with new IE browser versions as quickly as possible after public release. Older versions of IE may continue to function with Trend Micro products, but support may be limited if a technical issue is found to be directly related to IE. In these cases, due to limited support from Microsoft, users may be asked to upgrade to the latest version of IE or change browsers to resolve the issue. In addition, users are advised to first check with Trend Micro for known compatibility issues or special instructions before upgrading to a new version of IE.

More information on Microsoft’s new IE Support Policy can be found here.

Red Hat

Maintenance support for the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 2.1 release will end on May 31, 2009. Similarly, Trend Micro will stop supporting Red Hat Enterprise Linux Version 2.1 as a platform for Trend Micro products. Information on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Errata Support Policy can be found at .


Trend Micro will stop supporting Trend Micro products running on Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server operating system releases when Novell withdraws them from General Support or Extended support whichever is later. Accordingly, since Novell has announced that it will withdraw General Support for Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 release (Extended Support is not offered for this release) on November 30, 2007, Trend Micro will also stop supporting Trend Micro products running on that platform on the same date. Information on the Novell Product Support Lifecycle can be found at the Novell Support site.

Sun Microsystems

Sun will withdraw support for the Sun Solaris 7 release on August 15, 2008. Therefore, Trend Micro will also end support for Trend Micro products running on Sun Solaris 7 on August 15, 2008. Information on the Sun Operating System – Releases End-of-Support can be found at .


IBM will end support for the IBM z/OS V1.4 release on March 31, 2007. Support for Trend Micro products running on the IBM Lotus z/OS V1.4 platform will also end on the same date. Additional support information for other IBM operating system releases supported by Trend Micro products can be found on the IBM Software Support Lifecycle page at the IBM web site .

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