Views: 183

To fix the issue, make sure that IWSVA is using at least Hot fix 1867. If your version is lower than this, download and install the latest patch from Trend Micro Download Center.

To configure the IWSVA admin console to display the "Untested" and "New Domain" URL categories:

  1. Install this hot fix (see "Installation").
  2. SSH to the IWSVA shell.
  3. Backup and Open the file "/etc/iscan/IWSSPIUrlFilter.dsc" file.
  4. Locate the "vendor" section.
  5. Add the following key and set it to "yes".



    Click the image to enlarge.

  6. Save the changes and close the file.

You should now see the “New Domain” and “Untested” categories.

Policies-New Domain

Click the image to enlarge.


Click the image to enlarge.