Views: 723

You can download and install the Security Agent installation package directly, or get a URL that you can send to users to download the Security Agent installation package directly onto a target endpoint.

  1. Log in to your Apex Central web console.
  2. Go to Administration > Security Agent Download.

    Security Agent Download

    Click the image to enlarge.

  3. Select the Operating system.
  4. Select the Installation mode:
    • Standalone: Contains all the required components for a local installation and does not require an internet connection.
    • Web installer: Checks for conflicting applications and verifies system requirements before downloading and installing the Security Agent package from the internet.
  5. Select Package type:
    • Full feature set: Installs the standard Apex One Security Agent with full feature capabilities
    • Coexist: Provides a limited subset of Apex One capabilities but is compatible with any supported Windows endpoint, running any endpoint security software.
  6. If you have more than one corresponding managed product server for the type of installation package selected, use the Server drop-down to select the server to which the Security Agent reports
  7. Click one of the following deployment options:
    • Download Installer: Downloads a copy of the Security Agent installation package that you can install locally or later deploy to target endpoints
    • Get Download Link: Displays a URL that you can send to users to install the Security Agent directly onto a target endpoint
For Apex One servers, the Apex One Security Agent package applies the settings generated the last time the Agent Packaging Tool ran.