Views: 1109
  1. Run the tool.
    • Normal Mode: Method 1 (using config.ini to set parameters)

      Run Convert Tool 2.1 with configuration file.

      1. Edit conf.ini and put it on the same path as the tool file. Use administrator permission to run ConvertTool.exe directly.
      2. If the tool finds Deep Security Agent (DSA) package named like "Agent-Core-Windows*.msi", or "agent.msi" is at the same path as the tool, it will verify the package and use local DSA package to install DSA. Otherwise, it will download DSA package from Cloud One - Endpoint Security side. This is useful when you want to save traffic and avoid downloading bandwidth overload from Internet.

        Module state

    • Normal Mode: Method 2 (using command to set parameters)

      Execute command with parameters to run Convert Tool.

      1. Use administrator permission to run ConvertTool.exe with correct command parameters, directly.
      2. If the tool finds DSA package named like "Agent-Core-Windows*.msi", or "agent.msi" is at the same path as tool, it will verify the package and use this local DSA package to install DSA. Otherwise, tool will download DSA package from Cloud One - Endpoint Security side. This is useful when you want to save traffic and avoid downloading bandwidth overload from Internet.

        Module state

      • Refer to the tables in Chapter 3 "How to set the parameters in command/config.ini", and the corresponding examples to know how to set parameters.
      • Only use one of the two methods above. If you set both command parameters and config.ini at the same time, the tool will adopt command parameter (Method 2) and ignore config.ini.
    • Precheck Only Mode: Method 1 (using command to set parameters)
      When using this mode, the tool will only perform precheck without other migration actions. This feature is used when a user only wants an overview of their environment, then decides next migration plan.
      • Users should be aware of their Cloud One - Endpoint Security account region. Note that only in us-1, trend-us-1, in-1, gb-1, jp-1, de-1, au-1, ca-1, sg-1 regions should words be used as parameter value.
      • This feature will check URL (network connectivity) / certificates / hardware (OS/Mem/Free HardDisk) and whether DSA exists.

      Use following command:

      ConvertTool.exe --PreCheckOnly us-1 (only perform precheck job)
      ConvertTool.exe --PreCheckOnly us-1 --InstallCertificate (perform precheck job and install missing certificates automatically)

      Module state

    • Precheck Only Mode: Method 2 (using config.ini to set parameters)
      When using this mode, the tool will only perform precheck without other migration actions. This feature is used when user only wants an overview of their environment, then decide next migration plan.
      • Users should be aware of their Cloud One - Endpoint Security account region. Note that only in us-1, trend-us-1, in-1, gb-1, jp-1, de-1, au-1, ca-1, sg-1 regions should words be used as parameter value.
      • This feature will check URL(network connectivity) / certificates / hardware (OS/Mem/Free HardDisk) and whether DSA exists.

      Set configuration file and run tool directly as follows. Note that only "InstallCertificate" is valid once "PreCheckOnly" is set with region value.

      Module state

      Module state

    To know the precheck result, refer to the generated file "result.json".

    When passing the precheck, the contents of "result.json" should look like the following:

    Module state

    If it fails to pass the precheck, the contents of "result.json" should look like the following:

    Module state

  2. Collect logs if necessary.
    • Migration status record: result.json (same path as the tool)
    • Convert tool log: C:\WINDOWS\temp\TMMigration\ConvertTool.log
    • DSA install log: C:\WINDOWS\temp\TMMigration\dsa_install.log
    • SCUT log: C:\WINDOWS\temp\TMMigration\Log_CUT.log; C:\WINDOWS\temp\TMMigration\ComUnist.log
    • XBC uninstaller log: C:/Windows/temp/XBCUninstaller.log
  • The first four parameters which are underlined are mandatory to be used, while the rest are optional.
  • All the parameters are case sensitive.
  • The tool will return an error when misspelled or unformatted parameters are set.


  • Description
    • "--TenantID" must be set in the command. You can find TenantID value on Cloud One - Endpoint Security console by navigating to Deployment scripts).

      Module state

  • Command parameter example:


  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • "--Token" must be set in the command. You can find Token value in Cloud One - Endpoint Security console similar to the above screenshot.
  • Command parameter example:


  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • "--ACTIVATIONURL" must be set in the command. You can find ACTIVATIONURL value on Cloud One - Endpoint Security console as shown below.
    • Make sure that port 443 and "dsm://" should NOT be set in the parameter.

      Module state

  • Command parameter example:


  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • "--MANAGERURL" must be set in the command. You can find MANAGERURL value on Cloud One - Endpoint Security console as shown below.
    • Make sure that port "443" and "https://" should NOT be set in the parameter.

      Module state

  • Command parameter example:


  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • This is an optional parameter. Setting "--Timeout 40" means that if detecting the migration does not finish in 40 minutes, the tool will terminate the migration and return failure.
    • If not setting "--Timeout" parameter, the tool sets it as 30 minutes by default. Usually, the recommended setting is more than 30 minutes.
  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Timeout 40

  • Config.ini example:

    Timeout = 30
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.


  • Description
    • If you require proxy, "--Proxy_Address" and "--Proxy_Port" must be set at the same time. Setting only one of these will be regarded as invalid.
    • When setting "--Proxy_Address" and "--Proxy_Port", the tool uses proxy to connect Cloud One - Endpoint Security. If neither "--User" nor "--Password" are set, the tool will use no user/password to take authentication.
  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Proxy_Address --Proxy_Port 8080

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 1
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • "--User" and "--Password" must be set at the same time. Setting only one of these will be regarded as invalid.
    • If setting "--Proxy_Address" and "--Proxy_Port", "--User" and "--Password" can take effect. If both "--Proxy_Address" or "--Proxy_Port" are not set, --User and --Password will not take effect.
    • This is for basic authentication only. Digest and NTLM are not supported.
  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Proxy_Address --Proxy_Port 8080 --User --Password password123

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 1
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • If needing relay proxy, "--Relay_Proxy_Address" and "--Relay_Proxy_Port" must be set at the same time. Setting only one of these will be regarded as invalid.
    • These parameters will not affect migration task, but it will have an impact on future DSA modules update.
  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Proxy_Address --Proxy_Port 8080 --User --Password password123 --Relay_Proxy_Address --Relay_Proxy_Port 8080

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 1
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 1
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description
    • The parameters here are only for relay proxy.
    • The usage is the same as --User / --Password.
  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Proxy_Address --Proxy_Port 8080 --User --Password password123 --Relay_Proxy_Address --Relay_Proxy_Port 8080 --Relay_Proxy_User --Relay_Proxy_Password password321

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 1
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 1
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    If setting "--SecurityPolicyID" with correct Cloud One - Endpoint Security security policy ID, once migration is finished, this computer will be assigned the corresponding Cloud One - Endpoint Security security policy.

    You can find Cloud One - Endpoint Security security policy ID according to the following screenshot. In the following example, the Cloud One - Endpoint Security security policy ID is "34". This policy has enabled anti-malware feature by default.

    Module state

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --SecurityPolicyID 1

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 120
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 1
    InstallCertificate = 1
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    If setting "--GroupID" with correct group ID, once migration is finished, this computer will be displayed in the corresponding group on Cloud One - Endpoint Security console.

    You can find group ID according to the following screenshot. In the following example, the group name is "test" and its group ID is "1".

    Module state

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --GroupID 1

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 120
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 1
    InstallCertificate = 1
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    In some cases, user is required to reboot to make sure the uninstallation of Apex One agent is completely finished.

    The final step of migration is to reset and activate DSA to Cloud One - Endpoint Security. Sometimes, a user has already set "--SecurityPolicyID" with a default policy that anti-malware feature is on when doing the activation. It means, as long as the DSA activation is successful, DSA will start to install anti-malware module (AMSP) module immediately.. However, installing anti-malware module (AMSP) usually takes some time. If a user just manually reboots during the time, AMSP installation could be interrupted and cause an unexpected issue. Therefore, setting a proper timeout is helpful, so that reboot can be executed just after AMSP installation.

    Setting "--Reboot 120" means that as long as tool detects DSA activation is successful, it will wait for 120 seconds and then will proceed to rebooting the Windows system.

    Not setting this parameter will not cause a reboot. Reboot is not required in most cases.

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Reboot 120

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 120
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 1
    InstallCertificate = 1
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    Command console will disappear when running tool with this parameter. Migration task is still going on back-end. Users can only know the migration status from logs, which means there is no command echo during the migration.

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --Silent

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 120
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 1
    InstallCertificate = 1
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    In setting this parameter, when tool does pre-check on the machine and finds that the certificate is missing in the environment, the tool will help install necessary DSA certificates automatically during the migration. The advantage is that migration task will not be terminated by lacking of necessary certificates.

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --InstallCertificate

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address =
    Proxy_Port = 8080
    User =
    Password = password123
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address =
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 8080
    Relay_Proxy_User =
    Relay_Proxy_Password = password321
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 120
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 1
    InstallCertificate = 1
    PreCheckOnly =
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]


  • Description

    Introduced on November 20,2023, users can use this option to remove all the basecamp, sensor, and response module.
    If this parameter is not set, basecamp, sensor, and response module will not be removed, by default.

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --RemoveXBC

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =    
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]
    RemoveXBC = 
    #Comment: RemoveXBC value of 0 or empty value means no RemoveXBC, value of 1 means to RemoveXBC. The default value is 0
    RemoveXES =
    #Comment: RemoveXES value of 0 or empty value means no remove of sensor and response apps, value of 1 means to remove sensor and response apps. The default value is 0


  • Description

    Introduced on November 20,2023, users can use this option to remove sensor and response module, while the basecamp agent remains.
    If this parameter is not set, basecamp, sensor, and response module will not be removed, by default.

  • Command parameter example:

    ConvertTool.exe --ACTIVATIONURL --MANAGERURL --TenantID B7B4C13C-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-62E16EDD6191 --Token EB0EA71B-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-9EC2A1E99A84 --RemoveXES

  • Config.ini example:

    Token = C04426A6-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6EA652304AF9
    SecurityPolicyID = 34
    GroupID = 1
    Enable_Proxy = 0
    #Comment: Enable_Proxy value of 0 means to disable or not to use a proxy. Value of 1 means enable or use a proxy. The default value is 0.
    Proxy_Address = 
    Proxy_Port = 
    User = 
    Password = 
    Enable_Relay_Proxy = 0
    Relay_Proxy_Address = 
    Relay_Proxy_Port = 
    Relay_Proxy_User = 
    Relay_Proxy_Password = 
    Timeout = 
    #Comment: Timeout value is in minutes. The default value is 30 minutes. A value of less than 1 will be reverted to 30.
    Reboot = 
    #Comment: Reboot delay value is in seconds. 0 or empty value means no reboot. The default value is 0
    Silent = 0
    InstallCertificate = 0
    PreCheckOnly =    
    #Comment: PreCheckOnly value only in any of ["trend-us-1", "us-1", "in-1", "gb-1", "jp-1", "de-1", "au-1", "ca-1", "sg-1"]
    RemoveXBC = 
    #Comment: RemoveXBC value of 0 or empty value means no RemoveXBC, value of 1 means to RemoveXBC. The default value is 0
    RemoveXES =
    #Comment: RemoveXES value of 0 or empty value means no remove of sensor and response apps, value of 1 means to remove sensor and response apps. The default value is 0

  • Current tool does not support "Agent Version Control", which means that it will always download the latest installer version to install DSA, provided that no local MSI package is found.
  • Use administrator permission to execute the "ConvertTool.exe".
  • Enable "Allow Agent-Initiated Activation" on Cloud One - Endpoint Security.
  • Make sure that Windows client has ".Net framework 3.5+".
  • Make sure that any file within this tool will not be blocked by other security software.
  • The Convert Tool 1.0 uninstalls the Apex One agent before downloading and installing the Deep Security Agent (DSA) installer. Meanwhile, Convert Tool 2.1 should install the DSA first, then uninstall the xES / Apex One agent, and finally activate the DSA to minimize the unprotected time.
  • The timeout mechanism has been updated to monitor the entire migration workflow. If the "--Timeout" parameter is not set, the tool will default to 30 minutes for the entire migration process, not just the uninstallation of the Apex One agent.
  • The Convert Tool 2.1 logs are stored in C:\WINDOWS\temp\TMMigration\ and a "result.json" file is added to the same path as the tool to record the migration status.
  • For security, Convert Tool 2.1 includes a validity check for the DSA installer, SCUT, and XBC uninstaller.
  • Convert Tool 2.1 has a pre-check step with more conditions, such as checking for Cloud One - Endpoint Security required URLs and certificates.
  • Convert Tool 2.1 can automatically extract SCUT and XBC uninstaller files, so the user doesn't have to apply them separately. When uninstalling XBC, the tool will only remove the xES/ER module, while leaving XBC intact, as the xES/ER module may conflict with the Cloud One - Endpoint Security Activate Monitoring feature.

Module state

The above files will be extracted when running the tool, and will be deleted automatically when finishing migration.