
There are two possible causes why the installer cannot extract the required files to the %WINDIR%\Temp directory:

  • The %WINDIR%\Temp\Wofie folder is Read-only or the files inside are locked.
  • The msi package is corrupted.

To resolve the issue, do one of the following:

  1. Delete the %WINDIR%\Temp\Wofie folder.
    If there are files and folders inside that cannot be deleted, reboot the system and delete the folder again after reboot.
  2. Reinstall the Security Agent (SA).  If you need more help with reinstalling the SA, refer to this article: Different Security Agent installation methods in WFBS.
  1. Create new client packages. If you need more help with creating new client packages, refer to this article: Manually updating the client installer package in the WFBS 7.0 Server by using client packager utility.
  2. Reinstall the Security Agent.  If you need more help with reinstalling the SA, refer to this article: Different Security Agent installation methods in WFBS.

If either options above did not resolve the issue, collect installation logs for analysis. Do the following:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\Temp and archive the folders WFBS_Debug and Wofie folders.
  2. Submit the files to Trend Micro Technical Support.