There are two possible causes why the installer cannot extract the required files to the %WINDIR%\Temp directory:
- The %WINDIR%\Temp\Wofie folder is Read-only or the files inside are locked.
- The msi package is corrupted.
To resolve the issue, do one of the following:
- Delete the %WINDIR%\Temp\Wofie folder.
If there are files and folders inside that cannot be deleted, reboot the system and delete the folder again after reboot. - Reinstall the Security Agent (SA). If you need more help with reinstalling the SA, refer to this article: Different Security Agent installation methods in WFBS.
- Create new client packages. If you need more help with creating new client packages, refer to this article: Manually updating the client installer package in the WFBS 7.0 Server by using client packager utility.
- Reinstall the Security Agent. If you need more help with reinstalling the SA, refer to this article: Different Security Agent installation methods in WFBS.
If either options above did not resolve the issue, collect installation logs for analysis. Do the following:
- Go to C:\Windows\Temp and archive the folders WFBS_Debug and Wofie folders.
- Submit the files to Trend Micro Technical Support.