
To make the enhancements, do the steps below:

  1. Open a command prompt and go to the ..\Control manager directory.
  2. Execute the following lines individually. Take note of spelling and case sensitivity:
    XMLModify.exe m_iCommandThreadNumber 15 SystemConfiguration.xml
    XMLModify.exe m_iLogRetrieveBatchTaskNum 5400 SystemConfiguration.xml
    XMLModify.exe m_iLogRetrieveThreadNum 20 SystemConfiguration.xml
    XMLModify.exe m_iLimitSaveFileTempLog 20 SystemConfiguration.xml
    XMLModify.exe m_iPurgeAllTimeoutCommand 1 SystemConfiguration.xml
    XMLModify.exe m_uiCasMcpChildTriggerDataSyncFreqInMin 60 SystemConfiguration.xml
    • m_iCommandThreadNumber - The number of active threads for CmdProcessor.exe.  The default number of active threads for CMDProcessor is 3.  If all threads of Command Processor are always in use, we can increase this number.
    • m_iLogRetrieveBatchTaskNum - Increases the size of the logs that can be processed by LogRetriever.exe.
    • m_iLogRetrieveThreadNum - The number of active threads for LogRetriever.exe, which processes logs from tb_TempLog.  Increasing this number can increase the speed at which logs are processed by TMCM.  It is not recommended to be set to more than 20 because based on tests, setting it to more than 20 causes severe performance problems.
    • m_iLimitSaveFileTempLog - Improves TMCM log handling performance.
    • m_iPurgeAllTimeoutCommand - TMCM will purge all commands that have not yet finished within 24 hours. When the flag is set to 1 (the default setting is 0), all commands that have timed out in tb_TVCSCommandTaskQueue and tb_TVCSCommandList are purged.
    The above commands will increase performance and will prevent child and parent TMCM from sending data too often.
  3. Restart the TMCM services after applying the changes.
  1. Go to ..\Control Manager and open the ProcessManager.xml file using a text editor like Notepad.
  2. Increase the number of threads for CmdProcessor.exe:
    1. Look for this parameter:
      <Process Order="1" ID="ID_CMD_PROCESSOR" Filename="CmdProcessor.exe"
      CommandLine="-component_name=SC_TVCS_Command_Processor -thread_number=20
      -scheduler_thread_number=5 -mrf_thread_number=1 -timeout=120 -enable_debug=false
      -db_conn_pool_size=30" WaitingTime="0" Priority="HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS"/>
    2. Set the value of "-thread_number" to "40".
      Increasing the value will increase the number of CmdProcessor threads especially in large environments.
  3. Increase the number of threads of CasProcessor for TMCM child and parents:
    1. Look for this parameter:
      <Process Order="8" ID="ID_CAS_PROCESSOR" Filename="CasProcessor.exe"
      -thread_number=15 -scheduler_thread_number=5 -mrf_thread_number=10
      -timeout=120 -enable_debug=false -db_conn_pool_size=10" WaitingTime="0"
      Priority="NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS" />
    2. Set the value of "-scheduler_thread_number" to "15".
    3. Set the value of "-thread_number" to "30".
  4. Restart the TMCM Services after applying the changes.

Make sure that it contains only one deployment plan schedule. To do this:

  1. Log on to the TMCM console.
  2. Go to Updates > Deployment Plan.
  3. Click Deploy to All Managed Products Now (Default). You should be able to see three schedules.
  4. Delete the following Deployment schedules:
    • Delay 00 hours 30 minutes
    • Delay 01 hours 00 minutes
    ?This will prevent TMCM from performing too many deploy commands.
  5. Click Save.

Make sure that the All Pattern files/cleanup templates option is not set to less than two (2) hours. Do the following:

  1. Log on to the TMCM console.
  2. Go to Updates > Scheduled Updates.
  3. In the Pattern Files/CleanUp templates section, click All pattern Files/Cleanup templates.
  4. Set the schedule to every two hours. This will prevent TMCM from performing too many update commands.
  5. Click Save.
Follow the steps in this Knowledge Base article: Optimizing Officescan Control Manager Agents on large environments
This will add settings to the OfficeScan server to prevent it from overloading TMCM.
  1. Log on to the TMCM console.
  2. Go to Logs/Reports > Settings > Log Maintenance.
  3. Increase the Purge Offset to 1/3 of the Maximum Log entries (i.e. 300000). It has been observed that the lower the value is, the larger the transaction log created.
    If you are unable to perform this step, then disable log purging of Security Log.
  4. Save the settings.