Views: 535

During Trend Micro Apex One™ Patch 3 or OfficeScan XG SP1 Patch 4 installation, the following dialog appears, providing the customer with the option to enable Enhanced Support Services on Security Agents.

Module state

If enabled, Apex One/OfficeScan Security Agents start to regularly send the following data to Trend Micro servers:

CategoryData CollectedPurpose
Operating system/
Security Agent data
Apex One/OfficeScan Security Agent GUID
OS architecture
OS version
OS display name
For Security Agent management
Installed servicesIs AD service installed?
Is Database service installed?
Is Web service installed?
Is Mail service installed?
The latest Microsoft KB/Hotfix version installed
The latest Microsoft KB/Hotfix version install time
To identify the risk level of endpoint
Detection logsBehavior Monitor log count
Predictive Machine Learning log count
Virus/Malware detection log count
Suspicious Connection Service log count
Web reputation log count
Suspicious Object (file) log count

Data is sent by Apex One/OfficeScan XG Endpoint Basecamp module and may require customers to configure their firewall settings.


Customers may contact Trend Micro Technical Support to request the token file (XBCUninstallToken.txt) and uninstaller (XBCUninstaller.exe).