
To move WFBS clients to a different server:

Refer to the article Using the Move tool to migrate WFBS clients to a new server.

Use this procedure if the new Security Server is already installed and running before uninstalling the old one.

Use this procedure in a script to migrate several machines to the new server.

In this procedure, you don't have to copy ipxfer.exe in each machine before running the command.

  1. Open the ..\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file (or locate the installation directory of WFBS) on the Security Server using a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Note the values of the following entries:
    • Master_DomainName
    • Master_DomainPort
    • Client_LocalServer_Port
  3. On a separate Notepad file, copy the command format below and indicate the correct IP or computer name of the Security Server. IpXfer is already located in the Security Agent folder (…\Trend Micro\Security Agent), thus, there are two options to use IpXfer.
    System Type Syntax/Format
    32-bit Option A

    <IP of Security Server>\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXFer\ipxfer.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd Password

    Below is a sample command:

    \\\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXfer\ipxfer.exe -s -m 1 –p 8059 –c 18277 –pwd p@ssword

    Option B

    Change the directory to the Security Agent installation path then follow the syntax below:

    > ipxfer.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd Password

    Below is a sample command:

    C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Security Agent>ipxfer.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd p@ssword

    64-bit Option A

    <IP of Security Server>\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXFer\ipxfer_x64.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd Password

    Below is a sample command:

    \\\ofcscan\Admin\Utility\IpXfer\ipxfer_x64.exe -s -m 1 –p 8059 –c 18277 –pwd p@ssword

    Option B

    Change the directory to the Security Agent installation path then follow the syntax below:

    > ipxfer_X64.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd Password

    Below is a sample command:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Agent>ipxfer_X64.exe –s master_domainname –p Master_domainport -m 1 –c Client_LocalServer_Port –pwd p@ssword

  4. Migrate the clients by doing one of the following:
    • On the workstation:
      1. Click Start > Run.
      2. Paste the correct command from Step 3 on the Open field.
      3. Click OK.
    • On the server, add the correct command from Step 3 to a login script.

      The Client/Server Security Agent icon on the system tray will disappear and then reappear.

    • For versions 9.5 and 10.0, open a command prompt and change the directory to the Security Agent installation path. Paste the correct command from Step 3 on the command prompt window.
  5. Return to the WFBS console and verify if the client has been migrated.

Use this procedure when using Client Diagnostic Tool:

  1. Open the ..\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file (or locate the installation directory of WFBS) on the Security Server using a text editor such as Notepad.
  2. Note the values of the following entries:

    • Master_DomainName
    • Master_DomainPort
    • Client_LocalServer_Port
  3. On ...\Trend Micro\Security Agent folder, open the Worry-Free Business Security Communication Diagnostic Tool (ClnDiag.exe).
  4. Once the application is opened, it will load the configuration where the Security Agent is currently reporting to.

    SA current configuration

  5. Change the configuration of the Server Settings based on the values noted on #2:

    • Address = Master_DomainName
    • Port = Master_DomainPort
  6. Change the configuration of the Client Settings based on the values noted on #2:

    Port = Client_LocalServer_Port

    modify Client Settings

    1. Click Client-Server Communications.

      Client-Server Communications

      Please make sure that the Test Results were all "OK". For any errors encountered running the diagnostic test, refer to Troubleshooting Guide for Offline/Disconnected/Missing in Web Console.
    2. Click Save Settings and Restart the Agent. Wait for the Close button to appear.

      Restart the Agent

    3. Return to the WFBS console and verify if the client has been migrated.
  1. On the new Security Server, go to the ..\Program Files (x86)\Trend Micro\Security Server\PCCSRV folder (or locate the installation directory of WFBS).
  2. Open the ofcscan.ini file using a text editor such as Notepad.
  3. Note the values of the following:
    • Master_DomainPort
    • Client_LocalServer_Port
  4. On the client machine, open the Services console (services.msc) and stop the following services:
    • Trend Micro Common Client Solution Framework (Only applicable to WFBS 9.0 agent)
    • Trend Micro Security Agent Listener
    • Trend Micro Security Agent NT Proxy Service
    • Trend Micro Security Agent RealTime Scan
    • Trend Micro Unauthorized Change Prevention Service

    Alternatively, you can also unload the Security Agent.

  5. Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe).
    Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
  6. For 32-bit machines, go to HKLM\Software\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion.
    For 64-bit machines, go to HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion.
  7. Click CurrentVersionand then modify the following:
    • DatabasePath: Type the name of the new server.
    • Server: Type the IP address or FQDN of the new server.
    • LocalServerPort: Type the Client_LocalServer_Port value.
    • ServerPort: Type the Master_DomainPort value.
  8. Start the services that you stopped in Step 4 and reload the Security Agent.

    To reload the Security Agent, click Start > Programs > Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Agent > Worry-Free Business Security Agent.

If you need technical assistance, contact Trend Micro Technical Support.