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It is required that the device is decrypted first, before the TMEE agent can be uninstalled. The uninstall program will start the decryption process first, before it removes the agent.
  1. Log on to the FDE preboot and then Windows.
  2. From Windows, go to C:\Program Files\Trend Micro\Full Disk Encryption and run TMFDEUninstall.exe.

    If prompted by User Account Control, click Yes.

    The Full Disk Encryption Uninstall opens.

  3. Click Next.

    Full Disk Encryption begins to uninstall.

  4. Click OK to confirm hard drive decryption.
  5. When the decryption is completed, click OK.
  6. Run TMFDEUninstall.exe again to finish the uninstallation. 
  7. Reboot the device.
    The device record is not automatically removed and must be manually removed from PolicyServer.

To uninstall Encryption Management for Apple FileVault agent, you need to have access to the Mac OS X Terminal shell.

You must have uninstall rights within the group or policy that the Endpoint Encryption devices are registered and have Windows local administrator rights.

  1. Go to Applications > Utilities and double-click Terminal.

    The terminal window appears.

  2. Type cd /Library/Application Support/TrendMicro/FDEMM.
  3. Type sudo ./Uninstaller>
    The agent uninstalls in the background.
  4. Restart the endpoint to uninstall completely.

Use Windows Add or Remove Programs to uninstall the agent.

  1. Go to Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs.
    The Add or Remove Programs window appears.
  2. Select Encryption Management for Microsoft BitLocker from the list of installed programs.
  3. Click Remove.
  4. At the Add or Remove Programs message, click Yes to confirm.

    The uninstall process is complete when the program is removed from the list.

You need to decrypt all encrypted files before uninstalling File Encryption. Otherwise, they will become unreadable.

  1. Log on to File Encryption using an account that has permission to uninstall File Encryption.
  2. Open the Windows Start Menu and go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program.
  3. Select File Encryption from the list and then click Uninstall.