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With Email Continuity, Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) provides a standby email system that gives virtually uninterrupted use of email in the event of a mail server outage. If a planned or unplanned outage occurs, Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) will keep your incoming email messages for 10 days. Once your email server is back online within the 10-day period, these messages will be restored to your email server.

A continuity mailbox is available instantly and automatically, providing end users the ability to read, forward, download and reply to any email messages. This enables end users to have continued email access during an outage without requiring any action from IT.

In fact, Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) will scan the email messages sent from the continuity mailbox based on its default outbound policy.

Administrators can configure and manage Email Continuity records on the Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) administrator console, and end users will be able to use the continuity mailbox to manage email messages on the End User Console.

Share the End-User Console web address for your region with your end users:

RegionWeb End-User Console URL
North America, Latin America and Asia Pacific
Europe, the Middle East and Africa
Australia and New Zealand

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