Views: 325

Based on the Apex One security agent traffic statistics, load testing was performed on Service Gateway to generate this guide.

This sizing data is for reference only. Traffic load may vary on different customer environments.

Test Scenarios

Table 1: Comparison Scenarios

1ESXI 6.51000 Apex One security agent performing concurrent program upgrade from Service Gateway8vCPU/12G Mem/500G Disk/1000MbpsHTTPS
2ESXI 6.51000 Apex One security agent normal usage from Service Gateway8vCPU/12G Mem/500G Disk/1000MbpsHTTPS

Table 2: Concurrent connection for product request

APIApex One security agent numberIOT connectionsPurpose
Concurrent connections (agents)100030000For hot fix downloading
Concurrent connections (agents)500030000Normal usage

Test Results

Firmware version2.0.7 (fresh install)2.0.7 (fresh install)
PlatformESXI 6.5ESXI 6.5
Hardware model8vCPU/12G Mem/500G/1000Mbps8vCPU/12G Mem/500G/1000Mbps
Running status1000 Agent concurrent downloading hot fixNormal usage
Total Traffic Size157M*1000-
Total Duration Time
Concurrent download session1000500
Persistent IOT connection30000 persistent IOT connection30000 persistent IOT connection
TPS61.93 sample/second89.17
Avg. CPU Usage34.62%8.18%
Avg. Mem Usage66.7%51.52%
Avg. Disk IO Usage1.97%6.91%
Avg. Network Traffic95251.16 KB/second139.53 KB/second
Avg. Network Usage100%0.16%

"TPS" means transaction per second where T(transaction) means API request from an Apex One security agent.

In conclusion, one Service Gateway appliance can support at most 30000 Apex One security agents.
Persistent connections mainly consume memory resources. Main bottleneck would be the network bandwidth usage with concurrent program downloads from the security agents.