Views: 1449

Promotion banner will be available on upper part of CAS console. Click More Details.

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  1. CAS will inform customer to activate the Trend Vision One license. Click Activate Now.

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  2. Choose a region for Trend Vision One.

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  3. Trend Vision One console dashboard loads.

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  4. On the Trend Vision One console navigate to Administration > License Information. Click Open Console for "Trend Micro Cloud App Security" on the Product list.

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  5. The page will log in to the CAS console. On the CAS dashboard blue banner, click Connect to Trend Vision One.

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  6. Proceed to Scenario 2: Customer has CAS and Trend Vision One but CAS is not connected to Trend Vision One OR has not yet upgraded to Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection.

Promotion banner will be available on upper part of CAS console. Click Connect to Trend Vision One.

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  1. On the Trend Vision One Product Instance page, click Add Existing Product.

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  2. For Instance type select "Trend Micro Cloud App Security". Enable "Default organization" and click Save.

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  3. Wait for provisioning process to finish.

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  4. Trend Vision One console will ask to update the CAS instance. Click Got it, then click Update.

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  5. The Update Solution tab would is shown. Tick the check box to agree with the terms, then click I Agree to update.

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  6. A “System Update” Notice is shown. Tick the check box then click Start the Update.

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  7. Wait for update to finish.

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  8. On the Trend Vision One console navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection > Dashboard, then confirm if it will show the new CAS console.

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Customer is able to connect CAS to Trend Vision One or has already provisioned Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection.

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After CAS connects to Trend Vision One console for enabling Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection, CAS local accounts will be upgraded to Trend Vision One local account regardless of a duplicate between Trend Vision One local account and CAS local account. Below are the steps for CAS local account to upgrade to Trend Vision One local account and log in to its console.

  1. Log in directly to the CAS console ( with sub account.

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  2. An “Update your account” message is shown. This will also indicate that direct access to the CAS console is no longer available. Click Continue.

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  3. The Password Update notice is shared. Choose to either create a new password or retype the current password, then click Reset Password.

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  4. After successful password update, sign in to Trend Vision One using the email address of the sub-account.

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  5. Log in to Trend Vision One console directly to confirm login access.

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After CAS local account accomplishes the email address for Trend Vision One local account upgrade and successfully signing in to the Trend Vision One console, it will also depend if the Multi-factor Authentication is enabled on Trend Vision One.

Trend Vision One will guide you to enabling MFA and let you choose whether your device supports scanning QR codes or not, as shown in the following steps.

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Path 1: Device supports scanning QR code
If you choose My device supports scanning QR codes, a QR code will be given by Trend Vision One. Use MFA application on the device to scan the QR code and share the one-time password.

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Path 2: Device does not support scanning QR code
If you choose My device does not support scanning QR code, Trend Vision One will provide a secret key. This will be used to configure MFA on your device to get the one-time password.

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After providing one-time password on either method, Trend Vision One will inform that MFA has been enabled. A reset code is provided should you need to disable MFA in the future. Tick the check box after keeping a copy of the code, then click Done.

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If MFA on Trend Vision One is disabled, you will  be able to login to Trend Vision One as well. Please note that there can be a "role conflict” on the user account detail of Trend Vision One local account on Trend Vision One User account page in the scenario that CAS local account email address is a duplicate of Trend Vision One local account.

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This is because Trend Vision One local account already has a role (before the upgrade) and the CAS permissions from CAS local account were translated to another custom Trend Vision One role. For this case, the original Trend Vision One role account will take priority and this can be changed by administrator if required.


  • Poseidon/Foundation based
  • Customer has CAS license or not
  • CAS is provisioned or not

Poseidon-based Trend Vision One

Scenarios when Trend Vision One is Poseidon-based:

  1. Trend Vision One will ask to connect CAS to Trend Vision One. On the Trend Vision One console navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection, then click Update Trend Vision One to continue

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  2. Details for updating to Trend Vision One foundation is shown. Click I Agree to Update.

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  3. For updating a Poseidon-based account to Trend Vision One refer to Step 6 onwards of the KB article, xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
  4. After upgrading Trend Vision One to Foundation, proceed below to "Foundation Based Trend Vision One" under "Update initiated from Trend Vision One console".
  1. Trend Vision One will ask to update to Foundation. Click Update Trend Vision One to continue.

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  2. Details are shown for updating to Trend Vision One foundation. Click I Agree to Update.

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  3. For updating a Poseidon-based account to Trend Vision One refer to Step 6 onwards on the KB article, xxxxxxxxxx
  4. After upgrading Trend Vision One to Foundation, proceed to "Foundation Based Trend Vision One" under "Update initiated from Trend Vision One console".

Foundation-based Trend Vision One

Scenarios when Trend Vision One is Foundation-based:

In this scenario, customer does not have activation code for either CAS or Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security, but has Foundation-based Trend Vision One console.

On the Trend Vision One console, navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Protection > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection. It will show an option to reach out to a sales representative to active or via credit usage app.

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In this scenarion, customer does not have CAS but has Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security activation code enabled and has Foundation-based Trend Vision One console.

On the Trend Vision One console, navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection. There is a button to Provision Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection.

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Trend Vision One will provision Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection which can be accessed on the Trend Vision One console.

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In this scenarion, the customer has CAS provisioned (via CLP or not via Cloud Email Gateway Protection), has Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security activation code enabled, and has Foundation-based Trend Vision One console.

  1. On the Trend Vision One console, navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection. Click Connect Cloud App Security;.

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  2. It will redirect you to the Product Instance page and show Product Connection for CAS. It will also show an option to enable for connecting to your organization (if created from CAS side). Choose accordingly then click Save.

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  3. Wait for provisioning to finish for CAS.

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  4. After provisioning, it will show "Connected". Beside the CAS entry, click Update.

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  5. An Update Solution tab is shown. Tick the check box to agree with the terms and click I Agree to update.

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  6. A System Update notice is shown. Tick the check box and click Start the Update.

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  7. Wait for update to finish.

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  8. On the Trend Vision One console navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection > Dashboard then confirm if the console will show the new CAS console.

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In this scenarion, customer was able to connect CAS to Trend Vision One or has already provisioned Cloud Email and Collaboration Protection.

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