Views: 305

What’s New

  • Four more predefined conditions available for detection signal customization in Correlated Intelligence
    Cloud App Security now supports four additional predefined conditions for defining custom detection signals in Correlated Intelligence. These conditions check the Reply-To domain activity, the Reply-To address activity, the URL domain registration age in emails, and the sender address for anomaly detection in the customer’s environment.
  • Enhanced Correlated Intelligence monitoring for existing ATP Policies
    Cloud App Security enhances the monitoring of Correlated Intelligence detections without disrupting your email flow. The update automatically enables the Correlated Intelligence filter for policies where it is currently disabled, allowing seamless tracking of detections while maintaining smooth email operations. Specifically:
    • For existing policies without Correlated Intelligence enabled, the action for Security Risks is set to Pass, and “All pre-defined rules” is selected for anomalies with the action set to Pass.
    • For existing policies with Correlated Intelligence enabled, no changes are made to the action for Security Risks. However, if “Specified pre-defined rules” was selected for anomalies with no rules specified, it is changed to “All pre-defined rules” with the action set to Pass.
  • Automatic recovery of false positive emails marked for deletion for Exchange Online and Gmail
    Cloud App Security extends its capabilities to identify false positive emails detected by Advanced Spam Protection, Web Reputation, and Correlated Intelligence, and automatically restores false positive emails marked for deletion in end users’ “Recoverable Items > Deletions” folder in Exchange Online and the “Trash” folder in Gmail.
  • Access token re-creation for Dropbox and Google Drive service accounts
    Administrators now have the option to re-create access tokens for Dropbox and Google Drive service accounts when the current tokens become invalid or need refreshing.
  • Move to Junk Email folder action support in DLP policies for Exchange Online
    Cloud App Security adds the “Move to Junk Email folder” action to Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies for Exchange Online. This enhances email security by automatically moving emails that violate DLP policies to the Junk folder, helping to protect sensitive information and reduce the risk of data breaches.
  • Classic console link removal from the new console
    Cloud App Security classic console link will be removed from the new console, preventing customers from accessing the classic console via the new management console. This update is not available for the Japan site.

Deployment Scope

This deployment applies to all Cloud App Security data centers.

Maintenance Time

Region Start Date/Time End Date/Time Time Zone
CA/AU/IN Data Center 2024-10-25 10:00:00 2024-10-25 17:00:00 GMT+8
EU/UK/JP/SG Data Center 2024-10-27 10:00:00 2024-10-27 17:00:00 GMT+8
US Data Center 2024-10-28 10:00:00 2024-10-28 17:00:00 GMT+8

Customer Impact

There will be no customer service impact and no service downtime during this deployment.

For any questions or concerns, please contact your assigned Customer Service Manager or Trend Micro Technical Support.