Depending on your case, do any of the following:
For more details, refer to Verifying server-client connection OfficeScan/Apex One.
- On the server machine, open the ..\PCCSRV\ofcscan.ini file in a text editor.
- Note the values of the following parameters:
- Master_DomainName
- Master_DomainPort
- Client_LocalServer_Port
- Open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) on the client/agent computer.
Always back up the whole registry before making any modifications. Incorrect changes to the registry can cause serious system problems.
- Open either of the following registry hives:
- For 32-bit machines: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion
- For 64-bit machines: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion
- Check the values of the following registry keys and modify as necessary:
- LocalServerPort - must have the same value as Client_LocalServer_Port
- Server - must have the same value as Master_DomainName
- ServerPort - must have the same value as Master_DomainPort
- On the Apex One Server, open a command prompt window.
- Go to the PCCSRV directory.
- Run the following commands:
svrsvcsetup -setprivilege
- Open the Apex One management console and navigate to Agents > Agent Management.
- On the agent tree, click Add Domain.
- Type a name for the domain, then click OK.
- Drag the client/agent that has an offline or disconnected status to the new domain.
- On the client/agent machine, restart the Apex One NT Listener service.
- Right-click the Apex One icon on the system tray then click Update Now.
- Refresh the management console to verify if the client/agent now appears correctly.
For more details, refer to Verifying whether the certificates are the same on the OfficeScan (OSCE) client and server
Issue persists, go to Troubleshooting certificate-related issues in Apex One.
For more details, refer to Manually transferring or re-establishing communication between OfficeScan/Apex One agents and server using the IPXfer Utility.
You may also utilize the use of IPXFERHelper tool for Apex One On-Premise.
- On the affected client machine, open Run command, and enter the following command:
\\<Apex One servername>\ofcscan\autopcc.exe -f -u -v - Wait for the command prompt to be finished.
- Open the management console to verify if the client now appears correctly.
If the issue persists after following the procedures above, do the following:
- Note down the following:
- When did the issue first occur? Was it working properly before? What prior activities were taken that you think may contribute to the issue?
- How many clients/agents are managed by your server?
- How many clients/agents and what operating systems are affected? Do some clients/agents show up properly in the management console?
- Are the clients/agents on the same local area network as the server? Are there any proxies/firewalls/NATs/VPNs/DMZ between them?
- Use the Case Diagnostic Tool to collect debugging information. Run it once on both the server and the affected client/agent.
- Collect IIS logs from the server:
- C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1 (when using default website)
- C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC# (when using virtual website; check Site # of OfficeScan in IIS Manager).
- Send all the information above to Trend Micro Technical Support or contact your Technical Account Manager.