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Eligibility to update to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security would be based on the following scenarios:

  1. Trend Micro Email Security and/or Trend Micro Cloud App Security is visible in the Customer Licensing Portal
  2. You have a valid license for Trend Micro Email Security and/or Trend Micro Cloud App Security

The following banners would appear depending on the scenarios:

In addition, the update to Trend Vision One will not continue if the following conditions are met in Cloud App Security:

  • Protection for Salesforce is enabled
  • Protection for Exchange Online, SharePoint or OneDrive is configured using a delegate account
  • License status is expired for more than 30 days

The following banner will be seen in Trend Micro Email Security:

TMEMS Banner

Click the image to enlarge.

To perform the update, refer to the steps under Scenario 2 located in the Updated initiated from TMEMS side section of Update Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security (V1ECS) .

The following scenarios are to be supported in February 2024:

  • Trend Micro Email Security users without Trend Vision One
  • Trend Micro Email Security users with Trend Vision One but not connected in Product Connector

If you wish to update to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security as soon as possible, it is advised to connect Trend Micro Email Security to Trend Vision One via the Product Connector or Product Instance page.

In addition, the update to Trend Vision One will not continue if the following conditions be met in Trend Micro Email Security:

  1. A subaccount that manages specified domains exists
  2. Datacenter region of Trend Micro Email Security is not the same as Trend Vision One
  3. License status is expired for more than 30 days