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When logged in Trend Vision One console and TMEMS is already provisioned, there are conditions before enabling Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

Cloud Email Gateway Protection is not available because customer meet either of the following conditions and the related features are not supported in Cloud Email Gateway Protection:

  • Your Trend Micro Email Security has a subaccount that manages specified domains.
  • Your Trend Micro Email Security site is different from the current Trend Vision One site.
  • Your Trend Micro Email Security is managed by Trend Micro Remote Manager.
  • Your Trend Micro Email Security license expired and it has been more than 30 days since expiration.

Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) Blue banner or promotion banner would only appear if Trend Micro Email Security (TMEMS) is within Product Connectors of Vision One console (Poseidon-based) OR within Product Instances of Vision One console (Foundation-based).

Based on the product environment you have, do one of the following:

This section covers the scenario where you have TMEMS and Trend Vision One (Poseidon-based) but TMEMS is not yet connected to Trend Vision One or have not upgraded to Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

To start the update:

  1. Click Update Trend Micro Email Security button that is displayed on the promotion banner located at top part of the TMEMS console.

    Update Banner

    You will be taken to the Trend Vision One login page.

  2. Log in using your CLP login credentials.

    Trend Vision One Login

    The Trend Vision One console will open.

  3. Navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection, and you will see a prompt to update Trend Vision One. Click Update Trend Vision One.

    Update Trend Vision One

  4. You will be shown the details for updating to Trend Vision One foundation. Click I Agree to Update.

    Update Notice

  5. To update a Poseidon-based account to Trend Vision One refer to step 6 onwards of Onboarding to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security for existing Poseidon-based customers.
  6. After upgrading Trend Vision One to Foundation, proceed to "Scenario 2: Trend Vision One with Foundation-based account" of this article.

This section covers the scenario you have TMEMS and Trend Vision One but TMEMS is not yet connected to Trend Vision One or had not upgraded to Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

To start the update:

  1. Click Update Trend Micro Email Security button that is displayed on the promotion banner located at top part of the TMEMS console.

    Update Banner

    You will be taken to the Cloud Email Gateway Protection page of the Trend Vision One console.

  2. Click Update to Cloud Email Gateway Protection to continue.

    Update to Cloud Email Gateway Protection

    The Product Instances page will open.

  3. Under the Update Solution panel, tick the check box for the Terms & Agreement, Privacy Notice, Data Collection Notice, and then click I Agree to Update.


  4. A System Update Notice would show to inform you about the changes for the Update. Tick the checkbox to confirm and click Start the Update.

    Update Notice

  5. Wait for the update process to finish on the Product Instance page of Trend Vision One.

    Update Status

  6. The display name would be updated to Cloud Email Gateway Protection and status to Connected.
  7. Navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

    Connection Status

This section covers the scenario where you already connected your TMEMS to Trend Vision One, or have already upgraded to Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

To check the status, log in to Trend Vision One console, and navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection.

To start the update from Trend Vision One side, the following criteria needs to be considered:

  • Poseidon-based or Foundation-based account
  • TMEMS license availability
  • TMEMS provision status

To start the update, follow the steps under the type of Trend Vision One account that you use:

Poseidon-based Account

Below are the possible scenarios if you are already using a Poseidon-based account for Trend Vision One.

Follow the steps for the scenario applicable to your environment:

This section covers users that already have TMEMS provisioned, but is not yet connected to Trend Vision One.

To start the update, do the following:

  1. Log in to the Trend Vision One console.
  2. Navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection, and you will see a prompt to update Trend Vision One. Click Update Trend Vision One.

    Update Trend Vision One

  3. You will be shown the details for updating to Trend Vision One foundation. Click I Agree to Update.

    Update Notice

  4. To update a Poseidon-based account to Trend Vision One refer to step 6 onwards of Onboarding to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security for existing Poseidon-based customers.
  5. After upgrading Trend Vision One to Foundation, proceed to the "Foundation-Based Account" portion under the "Update initiated from Trend Vision One console" section of this article.

This section covers the scenario where you have TMEMS, but it is not yet provisioned.

To start the process, perform the steps below:

  1. Log in to the Trend Vision One console.
  2. Navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection, nd you will see a prompt to update Trend Vision One. Click Update Trend Vision One.

    Update Vision One

  3. You will be shown the details for updating to Trend Vision One foundation. Click I Agree to Update.

    Update Notice

  4. To update a Poseidon-based account to Trend Vision One refer to step 6 onwards of Onboarding to Trend Vision One Email and Collaboration Security for existing Poseidon-based customers.
  5. After upgrading Trend Vision One to Foundation, proceed to the "Foundation-Based Account" portion under the "Update initiated from Trend Vision One console" section of this article.

Foundation-based Account

Below are the possible scenarios if you are already using a Foundation-based account for Trend Vision One.

Follow the steps for the scenario applicable to your environment:

This section covers the scenario where Trend Vision One credits are not yet enabled.

Log in to the Trend Vision One console and navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations.

It will show an option to reach out to a Sales representative to active or via credit usage app.

Contact Sales Rep

This section addresses scenarios where you do not have TMEMS privisioned (via CLP or Trend Vision One), and your Trend Vision One account is Foundation-based.

To start the provision process:

  1. Log in to the Trend Vision One console and navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations.
  2. Click on Provision Cloud Email Gateway Protection, and then follow the succeeding on-screen instructions.

    Enable Cloud Email Gateway Protection

This section covers the scenario where you are using a Foundation-based Account for Trend Vision One, already provisioned your TMEMS and have activated the V1ECS activation code, but TMEMS is not yet connected to Trend Vision One.

  1. Log in to the Trend Vision One console.
  2. Navigate to Email and Collaboration Security Operations > Cloud Email Gateway Protection, nd you will see a prompt to update Trend Vision One. Click Connect Trend Micro Email Security.

    Connect TMEMS

    The Product Instance panel will open, and show Product Connection for TMEMS.

  3. Click Save.

    Product Connection

    TMEMS will be added to the Trend Vision One Product Instance page, but will display the root account's name.

  4. Click Update.


    The Update Solution panel will open.

  5. In the Update Solution panel, tick the check box for the Terms & Agreement, Privacy Notice, Data Collection Notice, and then click I Agree to Update.


  6. A System Update Notice would show to inform you about the changes for the Update. Tick the checkbox to confirm and click Start the Update.

    Update Notice

  7. Wait for the update process to finish on the Product Instance page of Trend Vision One.

    Update Status

  8. The display name would be updated to Cloud Email Gateway Protection and status to Connected.
  9. A System Update Notice would show to inform you about the changes for the Update. Tick the checkbox to confirm and click Start the Update.

    Update Notice

  10. On the Trend Vision One console, click the bell icon on top of the page and go to the Informative tab. This will show a notification that Cloud Email Gateway Protection has been created.

    Trend Vision One Notification

If V1ECS is already provisioned, the following can be seen when you go to the Email and Collaboration Security Operations page in the Trend Vision One console:

Email and Collaboration Security Operations

When TMEMS is connected to Foundation-based Trend Vision One, its sub-accounts can be upgraded to Trend Vision One local accounts by following the steps below:

  1. Log in to the TMEMS Administration console using a TMEMS sub-account.
  2. A notice will show that the account needs to be updated, and TMEMS will no longer be available after the updated. Click Continue.

    Update Account

  3. Trend Vision One will require you to enter an email address to sign in to the console.

    Login page

  4. There are three possible scenarios based on the email address used. To continue, click on the scenario applicable to you:

    This scenario will be triggered in the email address provided is not used for a Trend Vision One local Account.

    To proceed with the upgrade, do the following:

    1. A verification code will be sent to the email address provided. Enter the verification code under Step 2 tab.

      Verification Code

    2. Under Step 3 tab, create a new password and then click Reset Password.

      Reset Password

      You will get a notification stating that the password reset is successful.

    This scenario will occur if the email address provided is already part of the Trend Vision One local accounts, and you would like to have it merged.

    To continue, follow the steps below:

    1. On the "User account already exists" notice, click on Merge Accounts.

      Account already exists

    2. Enter the password for the account, and then click Verify.


    After merging accounts, a Trend Vision One local account will have both its original role and a custom role derived from TMEMS sub-account permissions, resulting in a "Role Conflict" status. The Trend Vision One local account will function normally, with the original role taking precedence.

    Role Conflict

    This scenario will happen if the email address provided is already part of the Trend Vision One local accounts, but you would like to use a different email address instead.

    1. On the "User account already exists" notice, click on Use another email address.

      Account already exists

    2. It would take you back to the "Update your sign-in account" page. Enter the email address.

      Login page

    3. A verification code will be sent to the email address provided. Enter the verification code under Step 2 tab.

      Verification Code

    4. Under Step 3 tab, create a new password and then click Reset Password.

      Reset Password

      You will get a notification stating that the password reset is successful.
  • The sub-account can now be used to log in to the Trend Vision One Console, and depending on the Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) status, either of the following can happend:
    • If the Trend Vision One MFA is DISABLED, you will be able to directly log in.
    • If the Trend Vision One MFA is ENABLED, do the steps below:
      1. On the Enable Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) window, do either of the following:
        • Click My device supports scanning QR codes.
        • Choose My device does not support scanning QR code.

        Multi-factor Authentication

      2. Follow the on-screen instructions to generate a one-time password. Enter the one-time password on, and click Next.
      3. Trend Vision One will notify you that MFA has been enabled and a reset code would be given to user if they need to disable MFA in the future. Tick the checkbox after keeping a copy of the code and the click Done.
    Each user will have a different Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) settings.